'let us tell your story'
Let us tell your Story
Desch Design Studio. Successful co-creations with growers and for growers.
The Desch Design Studio is the place to go for growers who want to reach the top. They work together closely, exploiting colour as the main ingredient in developing creative and particularly successful plant pot concepts. So, Colour Your Story? Desch Design Studio!
A good example of such a concept is the 'Urban Gardening' product line, which Desch Design Studio recently developed together with and on behalf of Baas Nursery in Ens. 'Urban Gardening' is an exciting mix of plants in a Grow & Go flowerpot with Imca water reservoir and a sturdy window box, which brings a wealth of flowers and colour to small urban spaces. Baas has already achieved great success with its 'Urban Gardening' line.
Previously completed concepts
In addition to the 'Urban Gardening' line from Baas, Desch Design Studio has cooperated with various growers to realise a whole range of other amazing concepts in recent years. Examples include the BBQ “hot & spicy” spice box with chilli, and the pot prints for the FleuroStar Award winners such as Petunia 'NightSky' and Osteospermum 'Purple Sun'.
Give growers a challenge
Desch Design Studio also wants to challenge other growers to create creative concepts. “There’s plenty of space in the market for creations that are striking, outlandish, smart, or all three,” according to Kees Waqué, Marketing & Retail Manager at Desch. “At the moment, there’s a big demand for sustainable products. The right plant-pot combination can really make the difference for a grower who wants to tap into this market.”
Creative sum of wishes and possibilities
Desch Design Studio bases its work on the wishes of the grower and the possibilities of Desch. An example. Biodegradable pots are perfect for organic herbs, especially in countries where they can be thrown away with the entire root ball in the organic waste container. Plastic also offers countless options, such as Recover® cultivation and ornamental pots, which are endlessly recyclable. As well as matching the right plant with the right pot, Desch Design Studio also design the associated labels, stickers etc. These are creative and designed to get results.
‘Let us tell your Story’ now also in Colour Your Story
In the twice-yearly magazine Colour Your Story, growers talk about the plant-pot combinations that they have placed on the market in conjunction with Desch Design Studio.
Desch Design Studio:
Desch Design Studio is home to a creative team with an understanding of marketing and design, and a keen eye for design, trends and plants. Desch Design Studio spends a lot of time working on printing flower pots and private labels for the Grow & Go pots with water reservoir. They have access to Epla products in around 140 colours, 20 of which are specially for Cyclos HTP-certified Recover® pots made of recycled Post Consumer Waste (PCW) plastic.
Would you like to know more?
Do you have some ideas for a product, or would you like to be amazed by how we can transform your plant? Make an appointment with Desch Design Studio, free of obligation. Inspiration guaranteed!
'let us tell your story'